Wednesday, June 3, 2009

PS.. To the parents

I have spent the last year helping my daughters plan their weddings. I’m a mom and a minister so I can offer some valuable advice to the parents of engaged couples. I see a lot of frustrated couples whose families have ‘taken over’ all of the wedding planning. What started out as ‘their’ wedding soon turned into what everyone else wanted.

My advice, be helpful, listen and offer suggestions, when asked. Yes, when asked. Remember this is their wedding. You had your own wedding many years ago, now it is their turn. Let them choose the colors they want, the location they want and most importantly invite the guests they want. One thing you don’t want to hear is, ‘I wanted so and so but you wouldn’t let me/you talked me out of it. Or, ‘my wedding would have been perfect if could have had…… (any number of things)

Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not saying that the sky’s the limit for a wedding budget; just let the couple decide where money is best spent. In my case, I decided on a wedding budget and told each daughter how much I was willing to pay. If they went over, it was out of their pocket. If, by some chance, they went under (ha ha), the excess money was theirs to keep!

They decided what was important and how the money was to be spent. For both of them, the first item was a wedding gown. The dress itself wasn’t terribly expensive but once you add the veil, shoes, jewelry, and alterations…. Well, it adds up. I’ve had many brides find beautiful gowns on eBay and consignment shops for very little money. This is a personal decision but one area that can save a lot of money.

Because of the current economic situation many couples are paying for their weddings themselves, without any financial assistance. Sometimes decisions must be made according to budget constraints. Parents: if this is the case, be considerate and allow them to make their own decisions.

Here's a link for a printable Easy Wedding Budget