Friday, May 16, 2014

Julie and Dan - Small Wedding, Big Love

 Julie and Dan wanted a private ceremony that included their adult children. How fortunate for me they found my information and decided to marry at our retreat center.
 Waiting for the Bride and Groom.
Prayer of Love
My marriage prayer for you is this:
That you will always remember the qualities that attracted you
to each other when you first met and how you felt as your feelings
of attraction turned into respect, admiration and finally love.
That you will work hard to turn your feelings of love into acts of love
so that nothing and no one can divide you.
That you will always have kind and loving hearts that are quick
to ask for forgiveness when you are wrong
as well as to forgive when your partner is wrong.
That your love might grow to hear all things, believe all
things, and hope for all things, endure all things.
I pray you place your marriage in God's hands, and that your
love increases and overflows, beyond anything you can yet imagine.
 Holding on tight.
 A white layer of sand poured first. 
Jule and Dan recognize that God is the foundation of their marriage.
 Surrounded by the most important people in the world, their children.
 It is true. Forever, begins today.
I do love to share my emails:
Dan and I thought our wedding was absolutely beautiful and it was all because of you and Guy.  I honestly don't think it could have been any more perfect for us.  You two have such a peaceful and welcoming spirit.  You made us feel like Rivermist was exactly where we were supposed to be!
Dan and I are so happy and I suspect that we will feel like newlyweds for many years to come.  Please stay in touch with us as well!
Love, Dan and Julie