In pre-revolutionary China it was customary to stand eggs on their end on the first day of spring. This would guarantee good luck for the entire year.
Now who doesn't want a year of good luck....
I'm at Topsail Island with two dear friends and we made sure we were up early to balance our eggs. This happened pretty easily and after four hours, our egg is still nicely balanced. And to be honest, I'm feeling pretty balanced myself....
But... with a sunrise like this, how can you help but feel balanced.
Now, scientifically you can balance an egg any day, any time but this is immaterial. The important thing to realize is that the Equinox is an observable reality. It points to the shift that we are making toward a time of new growth and new life. The outer world -- the thawing soil under our feet and the budding branches of the trees remind us that we are changing, too. We are renewed, refreshed and energetic... coming to life once again.
Teo Bishop offers this blessing to you on the Spring Equinox:
May you be like the soil.
Become ready for turning,
And welcome new life.
May you be like the bud.
Recognize your potential,
And expand into color.
May you be like the river.
Receive the new waters,
And move forward with power.
May you be like the sun.
Go forth into spring
And bring light to the world.
Celebrate the Equinox with a full heart, and go into the world with confidence and clarity of purpose.
Wishing you Harmony and Balance.