And it will be so easy for Brett to remember his wedding anniversary. Their wedding took place on his birthday!
Here's the groom setting up his cameras. If I remember correctly he had four cameras so their ceremony was filmed from every angle.
Brett didn't want to miss one single smile. And trust me, this bride was smiling!
The planning was over. Today was their day.
Blessing their wedding rings with water.
A unity sand ceremony is a great way to symbolize the coming together of two lives.
And a 'first' toast as part of their wedding ceremony.
Time to kiss!
And smile some more!
Marriage Means Being In Love for
the Rest of Your Life - by Chris Ardis
Marriage is love walking hand in hand together. It's
laughing with each other about silly little things, and learning to discuss big
things with care and tenderness. In marriage, love is trusting each other when
you're apart. It's getting over disappointments and hurts, knowing that these
are present in all relationships. It's the realization that there is no
one else in this world that you’d rather be with than the one you're
married to. It's thinking of new things to do together; it’s growing old
together. Marriage is being in love for the rest of your life.