The original idea was to create a personalized Unity Candle and Cross Set but after receiving numerous requests, the design has been modified to create a Unity Sand and Cross Set as well.
Rather than purchasing a 'off the shelf’ set why not consider something of lasting quality. You may want to start a tradition in your family as your children and grandchildren get married using the same candle cross set. The base of the set is made of three scalloped pieces of wood representing the trinity. The cross has a new tree of life growing out of the base, two entwined rings representing the union and a descending dove to bless the union. The set comes with plain white candles to encourage you to use it each year on your anniversary to renew your vows. Sets are made from Ambrosia Maple which has striking wood grain and character.
You may want to include a personalized ‘children’s board’. This is a wonderful way to bring children into a blended family.
Michael, who lives near Winston Salem, was born in Southern Arkansas and began his love affair with wood in Potlatch’s pine forests while visiting his grandparents as a young boy. After many years of crafting furniture for his, now college age children, he has decided to offer his creations to the wider community.
When speaking with Michael, it becomes evident that he takes great pride in his creations and is honored to have his crafts lovingly displayed.

There are also many unique holiday pieces on his website and well as beautiful carved crosses.
If you have questions or would like more information please contact Michael 336-473-5218 or email