St. Patrick's Day can be a fun time to get married. Like many couples Stacy and Justin wanted a very private ceremony. Stacy had already purchased a new green dress for her wedding before they decided on the date. How appropriate to wear green on this day!
Although they did not want an "Irish" wedding we did incorporate a few traditions. I included an Irish wedding blessing in their ceremony and I also had a special surprise gift for Stacy.
There is an Irish tradition that it is good luck for the bride to carry (or wear) a horseshoe on her wedding day. My daughter wanted to wear one on her wedding day, so I ordered an extra one...
The new Mr.and Mrs. Don't they look happy!
Tina and Chris were also married at RiverMist in March. As part of their ceremony we included a water unity ceremony. Tina had yellow colored water and Chris had blue colored water.
At the appropriate time they poured their water into a single vase, creating the color green. There are so many ways to make a ceremony special (and unique). Don't ever settle for a 'one size fits all'... 'cookie-cutter' ceremony.
When couples get married here I like to give them a little private time immediately following the ceremony. Guy was quick with the camera as Tina and Chris took advantage of their first minutes alone as husband and wife.
Tina and Chris had a few guests and wanted to celebrate after their wedding. Cake and cider receptions are available upon request.
A toast to many, many years of happiness together!